I just purchased a ferret from a friend who could not afford to take her to
the vet.  She has lost all the hair on her body, but she still has head and
tail fur.  My friend was told by one vet that the problem was a flea
allergy.  However, months of flea treatments have had no effect.  The next
vet guessed that it was a hormonal problem and suggested a series of skin
tests and the like.  At the prospect of hundreds of $'s in vet bills, my
friend had just decided to live with an unfuzzy fuzzball.  Since purchasing
Nosey this morning, however, I have noticed that hair loss is not her only
problem.  She has no spunk what-so-ever, her eyes have no twinkle, and her
back end falls over constantly.  It is almost as if she is dizzy all the
time.  She is 4 years old and is a Marshall Farm baby.  Is there anyone out
there who might know what is wrong with my sweet Nosey?  Please respond ASAP.
P.S. - I am new here and enjoying all the stuff!
Laurie L. Jay    [log in to unmask]
[Moderator's note: I already sent Laurie the FAQ on adrenal disease.  What
she would like now is a suggestion for a ferret-hip vet around Fayetteville,
[Posted in FML issue 1709]