Hello all
Nothing like a ferret medical mystery to coaxe me out of murking yet again.
My first post was about Kodiak and his hair loss. . .
Well - in the few weeks it has taken for my vet in Kamloops, BC to call
around to other vets in Calgary and Vancouver to get their opinion. . . .
Kodiak is now regrowing his hair that he lost over the spring and summer...
does this now rule out completely an adrenal problem ??  He is going back to
the vet in a week for blood work and another assessment.  We are puzzled !!
Any input from wise owners and Vets greatly appreciated ;-)
Take Care
Carrie and Steven (the cage cleaners)
Nunuq, Kodiak and Medeek (the three ferreteers)
Yoda and Cheddar (the kitties)
[Posted in FML issue 1724]