>with the pet store (when I went to get nutra-cal) and they said that their
>ferrets hadn't been sick, but the younger ones were being treated for colds.
Last time I checked, ferrets cannot get colds.  They can get a flu, or a
respiratory infection.  The pet store ferrets should be looked at by a vet.
And Yes your ferrets can get ECE from pet store ferrets.  Mine got it that
way.  My opinion, AND I AM NOT A VET is as follows: The pet store ferrets
may have already had it, and may not be sick now, but still be carriers
(from left over fecal matter on their coats & feet).  Or, if they were
exposed to a currently sick ferret en route to the pet store or one already
sold, they could have the fecal matter on their coat & feet from the sick
ferret.  You got it on your hands & cloths, and in turn spread it to your
ferrets.  I am also beginning to wonder if this thing is a one time only
virus.  Once they build an immunity to it, they don t show the symptoms when
exposed to it again.  How else can I explain why only 3 of my 6 ever got
sick?  The other 3 may have already been exposed and built up a natural
immunity to the virus.  Of course, the other 3 may have just been lucky.
Again, this is just my humble opinion.
Willie, Oscar, Bear, Sampson, Daisy & Nikita
BTW - Please keep Willie in your prayers.  He is scheduled to see Dr.
Hartman tomorrow, to see what the seizure was about, Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 1703]