Just a small note of interest... On the cover of the 9/3/96 Western Edition
Wall Street Journal is an article about the bookstore war between Borders
Books and Barnes & Noble.  In describing the new Borders store in the World
Trade Center, the WSJ writes: "A vast newsstand will feature German Vogue,
Denmark's Berlingske Tidende, Modern Ferret magazine and 2,000 other
titles." I hope Mary and Eric benefit greatly from this bit of highly
visible publicity!
-- Lisa, Bug and Raphael
p.s.  Ferret songs around our house are "Tiny Buggles" (sung to the tune
of "Tiny Bubbles" for Bug) and "If I Were a Weasel" (with apologies to
Fiddler on the Roof)
[Posted in FML issue 1681]