Just checked the Modern Ferret web site because it seems like I got issue #6
in June or July (there wasn't a date I could find just issue #6).  The web
site didn't really have any info that would clue me in on when the next
issue would be out.  Anyone gotton issue #7?  Anyone know whether it's
coming soon?
I too have been curious about Pedialyte - I have frozen it - hope thats ok.
With only two ferrets at 4.50 or something a small bottle its kind of
expensive.  How long can you freeze it?
Good point on Wal-mart and 8 in 1.  I agree.  When I got mine last year all
I could find were L&M and Kaytee which looked more like rabbit food.  My
nephew had been feeding Giesela Purina Kitten chow and ferretvite on the
advice of his vet.  (This is Michigan)
Yesterday someone posted about stinky poop/urine.  If your ferret still has
scent glands it could be they are infected or impacted.  Boris went through
this, my clues were some difficulty going and a smelly butt, you had to sort
of get in their and sniff :} but it was definetly noticable and not normal
smell.  Feel your ferrets scent glands or better yet have a vet check.  I
took my ferrets to my vet for the last time before she leaves for New Mexico
and we reminesced about how when I first brought Boris in.  I had inherited
Giesela (more or less at that time against my will) from my nephew and was
pretty ignorant.  I was trying to educate myself as fast as I could and
thought I was getting pretty smart.  Giesela never nipped so I had no
experience with anything like that.  I decided to get her a friend but it
was after the breeding season and I was having trouble finding her one.  The
only shelter within 3 hours would not place with me because I had an ECE
free home.  I finally found a breeder 3 hours north of here and set out with
a friend.  Oh my goodness, it was not what I consider a good place.  Ferrets
in a long low wooden, no windowns chicken like barn thing, low lights,
ferrets it metal mesh cages with the tops wired down, food thrown in the
breeder boxes.  They had not been handled at all.  I made them undo the tops
of some of the cages so I could look at them (there were quite a few) and of
course got bit several times (bleeding) and was sort of in shock from the
whole experience.  I took one against my better judgement (didn't want to
support this operation).  Put Boris in a seperate room, got bit the first
day.  Was TERRIFIED of him!  Realized that book knowledge didn't hold a
candle to experience.  I would go into his room with my combat boots on (I'm
military can you believe it, some TAC trained killer I am), long sleeves,
everything tucked in and finally resorted to gloves.  I kept picking him up
and putting him down with the gloves on to get us both used to him being
handled for about a week and a half.  He was so much bouncier than Giesela
it would startle me.  The more nervous I was the more nervous Boris got.
Well he needed shots and I knew this was a bite and kill state so I finally
called the vet "I want to bring my ferret in but if he bites you are you
going to report it" Vet: "ummmmm well bring him in and we'll see how it
goes".  So I arrive, maybe you had to be there, but I took him in with a bag
filled with heavy gloves for both of us, ferretvite, a harness and leash and
everything else I could think of.  I start pulling things out of the bag and
the vet's expression was "??????".  She says well lets just see and opens
the carrier, pulls Boris out and proceeds to examine him.  Not a nip.  The
vet is looking at me.  Talk about feeling like a fool.  It was like taking
your car in but its not making that noise anymore.  Needless to say I quit
using gloves after that, although I think all the handling got him past the
biting/nipping.  Last week we just laughed and laughed about it.  I have in
the past year babysat for her ferret and will miss him and her.
 Thanks to the whole FML for the education and advice this past year!.
Dooks to all, especially the sick fuzzies
Mary, Boris and Giesela
[Posted in FML issue 1694]