Hi All:
Thanks to Chere McCoy and Troy Lynn Eckert for all the help in the last
couple weeks!
Chere kept checking up on Rogues Gallery to make sure we were o.k.  and Troy
Lynn sent us some food!  Hurricane Fran, and the loss of my husband's
beloved ferret, Merlin, have made it a difficult week, & it's great to know
there are such wonderful people out there to help!
Except that the cold/bug (which came in with a couple ferrets from the
Animal Shelter a month ago & is still circulating) things are getting back
to normal as far as the fuzzies are concerned.  All but one have mostly
recovered, & I'm starting her on antibiotics & nose drops today, so hope
she'll be well soon.
Last week one of our members got a call from another shelter which will
probably have to close, as the operator has just been diagnosed with cancer
& doesn't have the time/energy to care for 20-some ferrets.  We've been
trying to work with her & the local community to help find foster/permanent
homes for as many as possible as soon as possible.  I haven't personally
spoken with her - we've been playing phone tag for 3 days - but we have had
some success in finding people who are willing to help!  Once again,
ferret-folk step in to help where needed!
TriFL will have an educational booth at the 2nd annual Umstead Festival (a
folk/arts festival in Raleigh) this weekend, so if you're down this way,
come by & see us!
Take care, & thanks again!
(Rogues Gallery Ferret Rescue)
[Posted in FML issue 1694]