In Sept. 12th's FML, Bill K. wrote:
>Check out a book by A R Harding "Ferret Facts and Fancies" published in
>about 1943 which tells a lot about Ferretville, Northeast of Columbus.
>Ironically the home of ferretville is pretty much surrounded by current
>FFZs. It was near train lines, not near shipping lines actually. Book is
>still in print for about $5! Tells how ferrets were used in hunting and
>ratting (rat extermination). Along with really archaic care instructions.
>What was the name of your book? I'd love to be able to track it down for
>our library.
This is the book, only McGill's copy was printed in 1915.  Harding himself
was born in 1871, according to LCC information!  I suppose ferrets on trains
make as much sense as ferrets on ships, tho them boxcars would have some
pretty stinky corners.  i agree on the archaic care instructions-- bread and
milk all the way.  Still, it's an interesting little book; it also shows
that even if you get involved with ferrets as a business proposition you end
up loving them for themselves.
Hey BIG-- no slight intended to those valiant computing centre people all
across the world-- we all know whose fault it is really-- the frosh!  (just
kidding frosh-- I used to be one myself, but we didn't have email back then)
Amelia (gulping down the Petromalt after that half an eraser yesterday--
argh) and Cully (trying to outdominate my roommates-- he has no sense of
Regina Harrison
PhD Student, Anthropology
Joint Co-ordinator, AGSEM-- McGill's TA union
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec
[Posted in FML issue 1692]