Hello all:
This is my first letter to the FML.  My husband raised ferrets as a child
and I am new to the ferret species.  We got Mac on our honeymoon.  He is a 5
month old Silver Mitt.  I would like to give him treats for good behavior,
but I do not know what is good for him in moderation.
I found out he really enjoys cooked green beans and broccoli, but that
only is given when we have that for a meal, or I give him raisins.  He likes
the raisins but I do not want to give Mac them too frequently as they might
cause diaherria (sp).
Please help me on special treats that you have found your fuzzie enjoys.
I am willing to buy special items for him too.
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Thank you.    Luann
[Posted in FML issue 1692]