Hey Everybody,
I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a super ferret show in
White Plains this Saturday.  There will be tons of vendors and supplies, but
most importantly the group F.E.E.L.  (Ferret Enthusiasts for Education and
Legislation) will have a table there.  This group was founded when three
ferrets were killed and decapitated for rabies testing, without allowing a
quarantine period.  All three of these ferrets were VACINATED for rabies.
And of course all three tested negative.  They were fun, loving, potential
adoptees.  We are trying to get the state laws changed to recognize ferrets
as domestic animals, and not a threat, but a companion.  So check it out
Saturday, write legislation (I can e-mail legislation addresses), and get
involved.  Thanks.
                   -Jaime Greenfield
[Posted in FML issue 1690]