About five years ago, my brother and I were playing with his two sable
females in a Hayward, Ca.  city park.  A city park "ranger" caught us, and
yes, he had an attitude.
But he wasn't deputized...he had about as much authority as a typical
meter-maid... and he was too stupid and belligerent to call HQ and ask what
to do - thank GOD.
What my brother ended up with was a $22 infraction ticket - for having the
ferts OFF LEASH!  He paid it, F&G was never called in, no problem.
This illustrates just how weirdly local policeoids deal with the ban.  Some
ignore it, some do stupid stuff like charge people for not having 'em on a
LEASH, some kill the fert on sight, some release 'em into the wild, some
call F&G.  It's an enormous crapshoot.  Even if F&G is called in, they are
*supposed* to do an out-of-state transfer by one of several means, but one
FMLer just had a report from late last year(?) where that was fought
tooth-and-nail by a local F&G office, contrary to state policy.  The CDFA
website at www.cdfa.com has some excellent info on "what to do/who to call
if caught", I'd advise all Califerreters to read that.
No leash.  How pathetic!
[Posted in FML issue 1690]