To all at FML.  This list has been a great source of information and
enjoyment and thus I consider it a great success.
I have recently become a new caretaker of an unwanted silver fuzzy, but to
my great worry and concern, I currently reside in Ca.  At first my vet
assured me the legal risk of ferret ownership and impoundment was real small
especially if kept reasonably low key.
After a phone conversation with another keeper and reading a few of your
postings, I am quite worried and angry at the same time.  Maybe if a large
collection of these horror stories were gathered and organized in a
collective effort, they could form a persuasive attachment to current
legislative efforts.
If you have been a victim and want to post your story, maybe it can help
stop the abuse.
*** Men of thought should think as men of action
*** Men of action should act as men of thought
*** Dreamer
[Posted in FML issue 1690]