Hi Guys,
Well, I see the big chocolate debate is on once again.  Since the last round
I have some info that I hadn't seen before.
At the last meeting of the Houston Area Ferret Association this very subject
came up.  Since the room was full of chocoholics with ferrets you can
imagine the discussion that went on.  Dr. Fred Soifer, a Houston
veterinarian with 35 years experience and a proud ferret owner, doesn't
advicate feeding chocolate due to the theobromine content.  He feels it can
be toxic to ferrets.
*However* the chocoholics pressed their attack further and were able to win
one point.  The darker and less sweet the chocolate is, the higher the
theobromine content.  In other words, semi-sweet is better than baking
chocolate.  And then of course you should factor in the amount of chocolate
So, if you want to feed chocolate to the little darling beggers, feed small
amounts of semi-sweet.  Stay far far away from the unsweetened varieties.
This is a lesson I should take to heart!
Margie Zick
[Moderator's note: And milk chocolate has even less theobromine than the
semi-sweet stuff - and more sugar.  Unsweetened is indeed powerful.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1689]