Maybe it's not the Bitter Apple that's causing Beanie's apparent
constipation.  Maybe he is actually ingesting too much of Nosmo's fur during
their rough play.  Our very first ferret, Odie, who started all this ferret
stuff with us nearly 9 years ago, had several bouts with constipation due to
fur in his stomach.  It made him very sick.  After I gave him Laxatone and
he was able to go, I saw that it was dry and filled with fur.  You might try
giving Beanie a bit of Laxatone or Petromalt a couple of times a week and
see if that alleviates the constipation problem.  Check out his droppings
right after that to see if they contain fur.  Constipation can be very, very
serious in ferrets, so you want to try to keep it from happening in the
first place.
[Posted in FML issue 1688]