Hi Folks!
We knows that we has done already writ a letter today, so pardon us for our
exuberation.  We just wanted to say somethin' about baths.  WE HATES THEM!!
We keeps ourselves clean and don't never try to offend nobody with our BO.
We couldn't agree more with BIG's moderator's note when he said that bathing
us just makes us smell worse.  It washes all them oils off of our fur so our
bodies can't help it but to produce a newer and more pungent batch.  Get
real folks.  If you don't like our musk odor, get a pet that don't smell at
all - like a pet rock or somethin'.  Just leave us alone to be our
ownselves.  We ain't no sissified French Poodles.  We is ferrets!
We loves to lick up that tub water too.  It tastes like the human folks that
we loves so much.  It ain't never done us no harm.  We just hopes that they
never invite us into the tub with them!
As far as obscure ferret references is concerened, we got eveybody beat!
Several of our Paw Paw's science fiction stories have ferrets in them.
Ain't nobody ever read them except for his publisher and the folks who has
asked to read them.  That's pretty obscure if you ask us.
We'll hush now.  Just remember that, if you don't like the way we smell,
you've probably picked out the wrong pet companion.  Then again, think about
it from our point of view - you humans can smell pretty bad your ownselves
sometimes - and there ain't enough deodorant in the world to cover that up!
Tater and Odie
Tater: "What's all the fuss about?"
Odie: "I'm not sure. I just get all inscensticated  when folks say that we
       smell bad."
Paw Paw: "I'm just glad that you guys AREN'T French Poodles."
Mee Maw: "May I PLEASE have my pooter back before I have to hurt  somebody?"
Thor: "Duh?  Did somebody say something?"
[Posted in FML issue 1688]