***Bachlorette Party***
For those of you girls that couldn't make it to the bachlorette party, you
missed one hellava good time!!!
Me, Taylor, Tiger, Chipper and Gina (Cool name) took the brides to be out
clubben.  We went to this place called, "The Dirt Pile", formerly known as
the "FerretZone", they were playin the best music.  We were all over the
dance floor.  "We be Jammin and movin and dookin."
Well, the brides were just getting started when they stopped the music and
started moving the tables around.  Sammi started yell'en at the DJ.  What
the brides didn't know was the brides maids planned an "All Hob Review".
The lights came on and there was the hunkiest "Harley Ferret Davidson".  He
was dressed in full black TIGHT leather.  He had the sexiest blue tattoos in
his right ear.  He stripped right down to his G-String which read "Born to
Ride".  Sammi went nuts!!  Too bad he stopped at the G-String.
Then "Sean Ferret Connary" came out.  He was soo handsome!  With that white
fur and accent.  Wiggles got all mushy, until Rosie started teasing her.
Then "The Ferret Marines" came out.  These guys were twins all decked out in
their military fatigues.  They had the cutest little furry butts.  They were
wearing G-Strings that said "Semper Fi".  Rosie was climbing on the table
yellen she wanted to see their guns!!
Then "Marlboro Ferret Man" came out.  He was wearin a hot Stetson Hat,
Australian Duster, leather chaps and Grape Skin Boots.  He took off that
Duster and there was nutten under it except them chaps and boots.  What a
furry chest!!  Maxie was soo excited, she screamed, I would love to ride
your kitty critter.
The brides were have'n soo much fun they ran out of raisins.  Thats was okay
because we brought extra.  What they didn't know was we stuck ours in the
freezer first.  Boy, you shoulda seen them hobs move with those frozen
raisins in their G-Stings.
We all caught a great buzz off the ferratone and I brought some Catnip.  We
even got Wiggles to try it.  After we closed "The Dirt Pile" we went back to
our place.  We had more Ferratone and went deep aquarium fishing and took
turns riding those stupid critter types, Piglet and Slyvester (aka Get offa
We all went to bed around the time the sun was coming up.  Taylor got sick,
she can't hold her Ferratone.  Other than that we had a lot of harmless fun
and I don't think one of us got out of our hammocks before lunch time.
***Chipper & Gina helpin Rosie & Maxie***
Chipper & Gina here with an upnut from the church dwessing rooms:
As weeze were assyiting du brydes Rosie & Maxie, (weeze dare brydes mades,
youz nose) due dwesses was most beuteeful and our gullfiends was gwinnin
from ear to here.  Chipper, cosmolojest by trade, suggested to Rosie-Mosie
dat she mayybe had a witttttle two mooch mascara on - it dint compwement her
mask.  Maxie-Daxie waz twippin on her gown, so Gina gotted her sowing bag to
twim it up above du paws.  Day shure are nervus!  Anyones gotted sum spare
I is Penelope.  I is da flower eaten girl for Rosie, Sammi, Maxie and
Wiggles.  It was fun!  I eat dem flowers real good - even though some tasted
funny.  I hopped down the eye-el (but didn't see no eyes).  Sammi was first,
she was real purdy.  Maxie was next and she looked very regal.  (Dat's a
word I got from Mommy - she says it means like a queen and stuffs).  Den
came Rosie, all princess like and royal.  I don't nose much about stuffs
like this, but I think Rosie looked like a queen too.  And, as my Mommy
says, last but not least was Miss Wiggles and she was all fluffed up and
gorge-ous (but she wasn't eaten nothin' - that was my job!!!!).  Anyways,
after they all gets to their brooms - I had to sit and wait!  I HATE sitting
still.  Oh well, it was purdy and I had lots of fun!
I am Sloppy Joe.  My baby brother and I were charged with stealing the
rings.  I personally am sure that whomever was supposed to be responsible
will eventually......Wha.... Hey!!!
Me, Seigfried!  I stealed rings like I is sapposto.  Penelope says so!  Me
and Sloppy Joe slinked down after brooms and afor da brydes and get dem
rings.  I hided dem real good.  Not eben Mommy n Daddy finded 'em yet.
From all of us - Happy Wedding!!!!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1687]