>Now, my parents say that if I can't get the house smelly normal again they
>will have to go.  If you could give me any suggestions on shampoos, sprays,
>etc.  and where to find them, I would be very greatful.
Hi Ken!
Here are some great sprays and shampoos:
- Four Paws Ferret Deodorizing Spray and Conditioner
- 8 in 1 Pro Ferret Sheen Deodorizing Spray with Conditioner
These run about $10 bucks and can be found at most good pet stores like
"Pet City", "PetsMart" etc.
- Four Paws FerretGlow
This will cost about $6-$10
Use the sprays once a day and shapoo once a week.  Clean the litter box
daily and make sure you clean up all urine you can find.  I recommend
getting Glade Plugins (get the one for big rooms if the room is 15 cubic
feet or more, you want to kill all odor).  If possible put them in a room
that has a door and is not a bedroom, living room, family room or anywhere
visitors can smell, if not possible don't worry 'bout it.  As long as you do
this you should have a nice smelling house again.  I had the same problem
but they are behind closed doors and I do everything often, and I don't have
problems anymore.
Talk to you later!
[Moderator's note: I feel compelled to echo the tidbit often repeated here:
To control odor, DON'T bathe the ferret.  Concentrate of keeping the bedding
clean.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1687]