As the Newsletter Editor of the Triangle Ferret Lovers club, I have made the
decision NOT to publish the Sep/Oct TriFL newsletter due to the hurricane
damage and recovery efforts in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, as well as the lack of information about local alternative
"foster" ferret shelters since Rogues Gallery is temporarily closed, except
for emergency cases.
MANY ferret owners are without electric and/or phone power.  It is essential
club members (all email addresses were emailed this post) reach all ferret
area owners and assist them with the care of their ferrets, since weather
conditions are WELL over 85 F degrees in the area.
If you can assist or NEED ice, water, a warm shower, food, air condition for
ferrets and their owners in the Triangle, PLEASE let the following know:
Andrea Miralia, Durham (919) 309-9288
Pam & Dave Taynor, Raleigh (919) 785-0687
Jeff Johnston, Chapel Hill (xxx) xxx-xxxx [removed by request]
Theo (pronounced Tao) Dingemanas, Chapel Hill (919) 942-8413 or
962-1610 (he has dry ice if you need it)
Thank you for all your support in this crisis,
Shari Gunter, Raleigh (w) 872-1174, (h) 231-3222
[log in to unmask]
Summer HEAT and Your Ferret...
It is imperative for you to keep your ferrets cool in the hot weather.  The
following is an excerpt from the May/June Triangle Ferret Lovers club
Ferrets do not tolerate heat well at all.  Even temperatures in the 80s
(above 27xC or so) can cause problems, and older ferrets can be even more
sensitive.  The first thing to do is to prevent heat exposure in the first
place, by providing shade and plenty of cool water.  If you live in a hot
climate, you must realize that your ferret will need special care in
mid-summer.  NEVER leave a ferret or any pet in a car in hot weather, even
with the windows partly open.  There are a couple of ways to keep your
ferrets cooler if you don't have air conditioning.  Fans are an obvious
idea, and 1 or 2 plastic bottles of ice wrapped in a towel is also helpful.
You can drape a damp towel over your ferrets' cage, set a bucket of water on
top, and drape another wet rag over the side of the bucket so one end is at
the bottom of the bucket and the other is on the cage towel.  The rag acts
as a wick to keep the towel wet, and the cage stays cooler from evaporation.
Ferrets DO NOT have sweat glands and are somewhat compromised in their
ability to maintain normal body temperature in warm temperatures.  A fert in
distress from heat will first pant, then go limp, then lose touch with their
surroundings.  First - get the ferret out of the hot place and start cooling
him down slowly.  Cool water is best, but NOT too cold, since the ferret's
body temperature will drop way too far, with him unable to stop it.
Anything you can get him to drink is good (besides alcohol), but never force
liquids into an unconscious animal.
After these emergency measures, get your pet to the vet immediately.  Even
ferrets that seem to have recovered may die within 48 hours due to the
massive shock they have undergone.  Things to watch for include tarry stools
and vomiting.
REMINDER: High 80's temperature is too hot for your pet/s to be outdoors.
Always provide plenty of water, ample shade (with a breeze or A/C) and a
cool temp.  Never leave your ferret in a car!  Cool down your ferret slowly,
with a spray water bottle, bath, and/or liquid.
[Posted in FML issue 1687]