Well, Da put another litter box in the corner next to the front door, next
to the one that was already there, and we decided that we don't care much
for this stuffs, so we just continued pooping on the ground next to the box,
so dat Ma and Da will step on it and track it all over the house!  Tee hee
hee!  We was wonderin' if Mo'Bob has this problem or Michelle have the same
problems with poop-tracks all over the house, since you's twos have like a
dozen or more ferrets each!!!  How does this affect your homes?  We's also
been wonderin' stuffs bouts yous like how can you keep tracks of all of your
ferrets and stuffs...like keepin' dem all from runnin' out the front door or
gettin' into stuff and wreckin' the house (like we do around here...and we
is only 5, plus Wiggles don't count in this cause she don't cause a mess
much)!  So that's like one third of Michelle's ferrets and like one-fourth
of Mo' Bobs, so we is wonderin' how do you's handles it???
Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Wiggles, & Shiva
TDFFFF (The Doyle Fuzzy Fabulous Fantastic Five)
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[Posted in FML issue 1686]