Dear Paula, Conan the Large, Rikki, Camille, Cody, and Kelsey,
I want to say Thank You for your nice letter.  It made my Mom Margaret and
Mom Trish and Dad Bob very happy.  Mom Margaret smiled all night from it.
And so did I.  I will try to understand the ego thing, but it is hard for a
fert.  But I understand everyone was only worried.  That is nice.  I am very
Dad Bob is really cute.  I tried to tell all the girl ferts how sexy he was
but they only smiled smugly and said they had all met him before I did.
Well, that may be true but did they get to drive from one country to another
with them?  That made them quiet.  When they get over being jealous I will
tell them more about my special time with Dad Bob.  But we all agree his
pony tail is really cool!
Conan the Large, are you related to a guy fert here named Conan the
Toebiter?  I hope you don't nibble on everyone in sight like he does.
And Rikki, don't worry about me getting married.  I am a footloose and fancy
free woman.  Besides what man fert will spoil me like Dad Bob did?  He will
be a tough act to follow.
Anyway, thank you all again for your nice letter.  I will cherish it always.
White Fang
[Posted in FML issue 1686]