>From:    Monica Istvan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: New Eukanuba feline product
>Being that I work for the Iams co.  up here doing public nutritional
>education, I have a few interesting statistics for you regarding the new
>foods that may help you put the price into perspective:
While I understand the concept of charging the price for the ingredients,
might I just add that with 30+ ferrets in the house, no amount of meaty
ingredients would make it worth the money.  A 6lb bag in this house would
last about a day.  I can't see the benefit in spending over $150.00 a week
in food money when the other kinds of Iams seem to work just fine.  I am
tempted to try it out on a few guys, but it's not feasible in the long term.
I am pleased ot hear there is a big ole bag of Iams kitten available though.
that'll save a few trips to the pet supply store!
Ferrets diagnosed with Insulinoma - a friend just went through this and her
vet recommended she switch her from regular water to sugar water.  As I
understood it, sugar products are to be used only to bring them out of their
insulin comas, am I right?  I thought diet and meds were the way to control
this, not sugar water.  Can anyone recommend a good diet for Insulinoma
ferrets that will help maintain their quailty of life over the long term?
Wherret Ferrets Halfway House and Ferretry
Ferret Association of Greater Vancouver
[Posted in FML issue 1678]