Hi Everybody..
After consulting with David and he with Michelle, it appears there may well
be a page at the web site that will soon feature pics of some of the Fuzzys
I have posted about!!  First and Foremost will be one of our Super Fuzzy...
FOGGY... in all his Glory..  and one of Miss Wiggles..  ones of the water
Woozles..  and another of some of the Kids Singing the all time favourite by
David and Michelle..  THE RAISIN SONG!  ... one of Mittsy..  the plant
superintendent of all time..  the Naughty Little Girl pic.  the starved 6
representative..  Skinny ..  the terrible two representative..  Pruney
Face/aka/Pywacket.  Minuette and Frosty..  the Silver Twins..  and many
others.  there will also be ones of the Hedgies..  baby pics too!!  and the
Gliders..  with baby pics..  and new attractions from the Ferret Felons on
the Lam in LA..  :] on a regular basis!!
I want to thank these two terrific people for doing this for us here..  they
have the knowledge, the artistic talent, and the generosity that speaks so
eloquently of ferret people everywhere!!  Its a definite..4 PAWS UP!!!  from
all of us!!!
So my thanks to them..  and my invitation to all the fml readers to see this
page as soon as it becomes available..  the pics are already with them..  so
it will be as soon as David and Michelle can find time in their very busy
lives to do the slave labour to get it all up and running!!
 Thanks again Kids..  We LOVE Ya!!!  dayna and the Woozles/Slinkies  :]
 "Resident of... Marvelous Menagerie Of Mirthful Mayhem"
 dayna frazier  102046,3162  07-Sep-1996  19:52:16 PST
[Posted in FML issue 1685]