Hi Steve Mcgrane,
I wanted to let you know I have a ferret with the same problem,
hypoglycemia.  My ferret Sweet Pea is 7 years old though.  The vet & I
believe she had a seizure sometime when I wasn't around & now she's blind
(pretty sure cause she bumps into things now).  I give her .2cc of Pred (but
try not to every day if not necessary to keep her from getting totally
addictied to it).  I also give her Nutri-Cal 1 or 2X day (she doesn't eat
very well and is VERY skinny).  Also, her personality has changed over time
I think because of the Pred.  She's so hyper (she didn't use to be) when I
put her in the cage at night you'd think I was killing her.  I call her
Monkey a lot because she'll climb to the top of the cage and gawk at me (or
bang her water bowl against her food bowl until I'll let her back out
again).  Poor kid, she had a tumor removed from her back right leg about six
months ago.  She's had it rough.
My other ferret, Little Roo, has no problems eating.  She LOVES to eat,
although the vet says she's healthy.  Sometimes I call her TUBS cause she
has a belly that Sweet Pea doesn't.  Unfortunately, she now has 3 (I think
MAST) tumors on her.  I need to get them removed.  She's had one for almost
a year but the vet said since it wasn't growing it was probably nothing to
worry about.  Now there's 3!
I'm so paranoid either one of them might dye on me soon (since average life
span is 7-10) and they are truly MY BABIES and I don't know what I'd do w/o
them.  Little Roo frequently takes naps next to me or ON me while I sit on
my couch and it's so special that sometimes I won't get up to do ANYTHING
because I don't want to disturb her.
Does anyone out there have a ferret much older than 7??
Thanks for the room to babble.
[Posted in FML issue 1683]