My fiance Dianne and myself wanted to introduce our two new little guys (7
weeks old), Bandit (our girl) and Rizzo (our boy) and ask two quick and
simple questions (we hope :).  We just got them about a week ago, and they
are our first ferrets.
We made our first attempt to trim their nails the other night, and one of
two things happened on the first nail, either I cut to close, or his nail
'split', anyway, it bled a bit and panicked us both to no end.  Is splitting
nails something that could happen?  I could swear that if anything, I was
not cutting enough, trying very much not to cut into the quick.
Basically I'm asking two things about this, if his nails are cracking, what
can I do, and if they do bleed a little bit, is this a really bad thing and
what should we do?  (btw - he didn't seem to mind at all, no limping or
Bandit does not seem to like ferretone at all, while Rizzo laps it up,
Bandit turns up her nose.  Is there something else we can bribe/reward her
with that is similar?  Also, how can we get her to at least have her daily
requirement (making sure that Rizzo doesn't eat all her's too)
Thanks for any help,
Mat and Dianne and Bandit and Rizzo
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[Posted in FML issue 1683]