Hello all you happy people.
I took Chloe to the vets today.  She had been previously diagnosed with
Hypogycemic Ceazures <sp>, and is on .3cc Pred for this.  My first vet left,
so I had to go elsewhere.  My knew vet checked her over, and reccomended an
I talked with him about other options, he believed that x-rays would not
show anything.  I asked him if it would increase or decrease her life span.
He said that this would probably not have much of an effect either way.  She
is 1.5yrs old.  My big question is that if she will live six more years now,
and six more years after the surgery, Should I still do the surgery?  I know
that the pred is hard on her system, and I really don't mind doing the
surgery -- ** ONLY IF NEEDED ** --
My Futon Solved!
I posted earlier that I bought a futon with an open frame, I still wanted
more protection.  I am going to call the hardware store today and get two
sheets of plywood, cut them to fit and use a router to sink grooves into it
that are the width of the slats and about 1/4" deep.  This will cover all of
the gaps, and not damage the Frame to much, and also not require anything to
hold it in place!
Someone mentioned autopsies <sp> for ferrets.  How soon or late after
passing can this be done, I think Mr. Rigor Mortis might interfere with th
Lates -
[Posted in FML issue 1682]