I am new here, in fact this is the first posting that I have made.  So
allow me to explain my situation:  I have two Sable ferrets, a female  -
1.5# and a male - 3.0#.  I moved to Vermont for school and I am living is
student housing that doesn't allow animals.  I am determined to bring them
up here though because I miss them very much.  I need to know what I could
do to minimize the chance of the "Athorities" (for lack of a better word)
finding out.  I have my own ideas but I welcome input.
One more thing, my male has developed a Caterax in his left eye.  Now the
vet said this is nothing to worry about and I belive him, but is this commen
to ferrets???  Is there something that should be done to help them??  Should
I excpect any change in his playful attitude??
Please E-mail me directly at:   [log in to unmask]
Mitch  Zoet
[Posted in FML issue 1706]