**The advice dispensed by myself in reference to FML postings is not meant
to supplant the advice of veterinarians who are in charge of the patient.
If the patient is not currently under the care of a veterinarian, the client
is recommended to take their ferret to one.**
Sorry for the long absence, the Hospital was getting ready for our annual
Open House in our new building and every spare moment was prep work.
>From:    Ferret1 <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Vets, spinal meningitis in ferrets?
>A friend of mine at work told me she had a ferret about 12 years ago that
>got spinal meningitis and had to be put down.
Yes, ferrets can get meningitis but it is very uncommon.  When I examine a
ferret with neurological disease, I put it low on the list unless symptoms
suggest it.
>From:    Scott Lehman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Margaret's Babies
>Does anyone out there know or could provide me with an easy way to
>administer prednisone...
Try Pediapred (a children s elixir).  It is conveniently concentrated for
most ferret problems.
>From:    Terri Beier <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Biting ferret and bad smelling ears
>My other problem is my little Fester.  I noticed that he developed a bad
>odor around his face and finally pinpointed it to his ears.  His ears are
>full of reddish-brown wax.  I clean them daily, but by the next day...
Have a vet looks at Fester s ears and do a cytology to determine the
underlying cause.  Appropriate medications can then be dispensed.
>From:    brooke nelson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Cody aka Mr Adrenal
>Hello again.  I had posted about Cody losing more hair last week.  Well, I
>just got off the phone with his vet in Pensacola a little while ago.
Check the FAQ on adrenal disease.  Lysodren is a medication that destroys
adrenal tissue.  You want to use small doseas to destroy small portions.
Because the adrenal gland can regenerate new tissue, you need to use it life
long.  Disadvantages in some ferrets include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and
sometimes it just plain don t work.
>From:    Kate Gerten <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: ECE
>I think that my ferrets may have gotten the dreaded Green Virus.  Actually,
>the female seems to be over the diarrhea, but the two males are still
Get one of the sickies to a vet.  Aggressive nursing care along with
medications is required and the vet should be able to set you up with what
you need.
>From:    Matthew Buehler <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Several Questions
>The vet told us that they should be getting heart-worm pills, does anyone
>know more about this?  An un-knowing desk clerk almost gave us pills mea nt
>for a 25 lb dog!
Heartworm is possible in ferrets.  Because of the lack of a highly
diagnostic test it is difficult to diagnosis heartworm in ferrets (versus
the situation with dogs and cats).  Some vets test, some don t.  The
preventive most vets prescribe for ferrets is heartgard+ 30 (by Merck).  The
smallest size it comes in is for 0-25 lb dogs.  Using one third of a
chewable tablet per month is the standard recommendation for ferrets.  Some
people can have a liquid form made also.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Help! Blonda has fleas!
>I have a 7 month female ferret, and she has fleas.  I live in Brazil and I
>can't find any vet that understand about ferrets.
Program is safe.  The jury is still out on Frontline although there appears
to be no problems with it.
Mike Dutton, DVM, DABVP
Weare Animal Hospital
Weare, NH
[Posted in FML issue 1706]