We just got back from the vets.  He found her to be very warm today, and
took her temperature.  Everything was fine until he inserted the
thermometer, then Weezie got very, very angry, started screaming, and bit
the vet's assista= nt (& drew blood, in revenge for the blood panel the
other day, I guess).  It turns out the assistant is the vet's son.  :(
Everybody was in pretty good spirits about it, considering.  I was the only
one who was freaked out about it.  Vet's assistant said, "Well, I wouldn't
like it, either," and vet said, "Well, just make = sure if she dies in ten
days, I can send her head in..." (thank goodness she is current = on all her
shots, including rabies!) It turns out she DOES have a fever and now she =
is on clavamox drops twice a day for ten days.  She must be the only ferret
in the world who hates Ferretone (and the bottle was $17.00, too...) so the
vet gave us some Felovite II to try.  She is eating and her stool output is
normal (for her).  She is not urinating that I can see, but she is not
dehydrated.  We are going to be = monitoring the hairloss and if it doesn't
grow back, vet is going to do further test= s.  They told us that Weezie was
the THIRD ferret they'd seen this morning!
I feel much better now...  thanks for listening.
Isabel Two
Weezie (Tristan's Lady)  "Finds Them and Bites Them"-- her Blackfoot name=
[Posted in FML issue 1706]