This past weekend the Baltimore Ferret Club held it's Third Annual Ferret
Show.  A great time was had by all and we are pleased to report that this
was by far their most successful show, due in no small part to the hard work
done by Diane Rogers and her group.  The show was dedicated to Marsha Perry
(House of Delegates - Democrat - District 33) who sponsored Maryland House
Bill 426, which declares ferrets to be domestic animals and provides an
orderly vaccination and quarantine process for our pets.  Ms. Perry attended
the show and had a good time, evidenced by all the t-shirts and knick knacks
she was carrying out.  Time for a cheap plug -- we learned that when Ms.
Perry was introducing the bill she showed the House photographs of our son
Derek holding Furball.  Derek was about 3 months old at the time.  She told
us she got an extremely positive reaction from the other Delegates because
of these pictures.  When we went up to her to introduce ourselves we were
carrying Derek and he was carrying our kit jill Clannad (unfortunately
Furball passed away in July, just short of her 8th birthday).  Derek is now
19 months old and truly loves the ferrets.  Ms. Perry was very pleased to
meet him and his ferret (he seems to think she belongs to him).  We have
taken new photos of Derek and Clannad and we will offer these to any of the
groups that might find them useful for their legalization efforts.  We also
still have a few copies of the old photos if you're still interested in
Now on to the business of ferrets (pun intended).  The kit class was won by
SH's Beujolais Nouveau of JBF.  This is a beautiful champagne/cinnamon hob
who also did well at the Big Apple show in New York.  He is owned by Vickie
McKimmey.  The Alter class was won by CJ of Forever Ferrets.  CJ also
received a blue ribbon at the Big Apple show (in the ring judged by me).  CJ
is owned or rather was rescued by Fran Wiles and Fran's Ferret Rescue.  He
is a beautiful sable hob and all of the care Fran puts into her ferrets
really shows with this guy.  The adult or breeder class was won we believe
by Crystal a DEW jill owned by Kelly Ball who traveled from Michigan to
attend.  Crystal was bred by Doug McKay of Unique Impressions in Ohio.  The
overall Best in Show was awarded to Fran Wiles' CJ.
The primary purpose of this show is to support the Baltimore Ferret Shelter.
The show is their primary fund raiser.  Other clubs should definitely
consider this as a viable option.  You can contact Diane Rogers, President,
Baltimore Ferret Club or Vickie McKimmey, Show Chair, Loudoun Area Ferret
Fanciers and American Ferret Association if you would like information on
putting together a show.  Vickie has put together a pamphlet on this very
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1704]