Hi Folks!
How ya'll is?  We is fine.  Paw Paw has done fellen asleep in his chair
again so we fingered that we'd sneak out and grab some pooter time.  We sure
does get a kick out of it when he sees a letter from us on the FML that he
don't even know that we has wrote till he sees it the next morning.  Well,
Mee Maw does help us out just a mite from time to time.
The Ol' Fert's been kinda tuckered out this week.  He's been helping Mee Maw
and one of her customers out by driving a big ol' truck around town and
deliverin' snail mail to a whole bunch of post office type thingies.  We
ain't sure what kinda truck it is.  Our sister, Lyra, says it's a Day Cab -
whatever that is.  All we knows for sure is that it holds a big bunch of
snail mail and that Paw Paw is pretty tired out when he gets done drivin' it.
He seen a special type of people vet this morning - the kind that deals with
nervous conditions.  The vet wasn't too sure but he said that he thunked
that the nerve that operates Ol' Flop Foot just might be showing some signs
of waking up a little bit.  He told Paw Paw to keep on doing his excersises -
and that truck drivin' was a pretty good one - and to come back around
Christmas time.  We hopes that Ol' Flop Foot will wake all the way up.  Paw
Paw tends to get a little grouchy when he falls flat on his face during one
of his midnight stumbles to that little room down the hall.
We is still big time behind on answering mails.  Now our GNN server thingy
has done went and had a nervous breakdown.  It keeps tellin' us that we has
a bunch of mails waiting but it won't give us none of them.  Anybody what
visits our webpage had oughta use our CompuServe address to write us until
GNN quits throwin' a fit.
Couple of quick comments before we hushes.  We sure is glad that Jitterbug
is feelin' better.  We was mighty worried about her.  Everytime we reads
about a fuzzy that is sick or going to that Rainbow Bridge, we just knocks
on Paw Paw's bald forehead and is thankful that we is so healthy.  We really
does care about all the Fert and Human folks that is having bad times.  We
says our little weasel prayers for them every night before we chomps down on
some toes and does our bestest to keep Mee Maw and Paw Paw from gettin' any
We's gettin' kinda tired of all the stuff havin' to do with foods and
Marshall Farms.  We done had our say about both issues awhile back.  It
seems that some folks just can't turn loose of the subjects when they get
them stuck in their craws.  They ends up fussin' at each other and loosing
sight of the fact that all of the folks on this list has been drawn together
by the fact that they loves criters like us and only wants what is best for
us.  A few things that Paw Paw says all the time, that he probably stole
from other folks, keeps coming to our minds whenever we read stuff like
1. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
2. "Don't tell me about none of your doubts. I got enough doubts of my own.
   Tell about something you BELIEVE in!"
3. "Walk a mile in my boots and tell me that them blisters don't hurt."
'Nuff said. We'll hush now. Dooks, hugs and kisses to everybody in the whole
danged world,
Tater and Odie
[Posted in FML issue 1704]