Howdy from Eden in Seattle,
Fall is definatley in the air here & our heating system has started to come
on occasionally in response.  Bill & I are both happy to keeep the
temperature in our house down aorund 60 to 65 farenheit during the fall &
winter, and think its quite confortable, but I worry about the woozles: we
have hardwood floors instead of carpeting to keep my allergies under
control, & the floors get durned cold especially at night.  since ferrets
have no fur on the bottoms of their feet I want to know if this is going to
be a problem for them?  lately when I pick them up their toes are pretty
chilly, and I know it will get colder as winter sets in.  I'm not sure what
they have in the way ofnerve endings & temperature sensitivity in the pads
of their feet, so I really cant tell if this is an issue or not.
Eden and her 3 guys: Misha, Lemke & Bill (the human one)
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[Posted in FML issue 1704]