I'm sorry if this subject has already been resolved, but I've been on
vacation and am still trying to catch up on my FML.
It sounds to me like this lady (and I use the term loosely) is not concerned
with any possible rabies exposure or else she would not allow you to move
them out of state.  If she were truly worried, she would insist on immediate
euthanasia, I know if I thought I had been bitten by a possibly rabid animal
I would want to know one way or the other right away.  So, if it's not
rabies she's worried about it must be plain vindictiveness on her part.  If
you haven't already done so, you may point this out to the wonderful ferret
loving sheriff you have there.  Good luck and hugs to your fuzzies!
I'll try to catch up on my FML's and post again soon!
Tracy and her funny, fuzzy, furry, feisty ferrets
PS:Marie Schatz, my email is [log in to unmask], hope to hear from you!
[Posted in FML issue 1704]