I don't post too often but decided that I would let my feelings be known
about rabies shedding studies.  I'm sorry Dayna, but I'm in favor of any
study.  I am in no way flaming you, but I just know that, in my humble
opinion, I would rather have some animals sacrificed so that a possible cure
can be found.  If either one of my three ever had rabies, I would sure like
it if there were a "magic pill" or injection that could be given to cure
them.  Well, how is this "magic pill" or an injection supposed to be
developed?  Yes, this is a cruel disease and yes, the animal suffers
greatly.  I'm sorry, but I just can't concern myself with that.
Boy!  I don't wan't to sound like a jerk, but that's just the way it is.  If
either one of my guys got rabies, I would (not so gladly, mind you) donate
him to any study that I could.  Maybe his death would aid in keeping yours
alive some day.  I've raised cows, chickens, dogs, and now ferrets.  I love
all animals, but there will never be any hope of finding a cure for rabies
(and other diseases) unless these types of studies are done.  If there is
ever a more "humane" study developed, I would support that too.
  Just my $0.02.
-Mark Zmyewski
 Lockheed Martin
 Huntsville, Alabama
[Posted in FML issue 1704]