Hi everyone,
This is my first post to the FML.  This is a copy of a post that I made to
alt.pets.ferrets, so some of you might have seen it before.
I was hoping someone would be able to help me out.  My wife and I have two
female sable ferrets, 3 and 3 1/2 years old.  We recently rescued a 3 - 6
month old sable female from the local SPCA who I've nicknamed Sprite.
Sprite looked pretty healthy except for being quite skinny and a little
dehydrated.  After the first day she was home I noticed that she wasn't
eating and hardly.  We tried Science Diet and Nutri-Cal.  I even went out
and got some wet cat food, several flavors of baby food and some soy milk.
She wouldn't have any of these.  I did manage to get her to eat a couple of
The next morning it was off to the vet.  There she stayed for a day of
observation.  The vet said that she was fine and had been eating a little of
the Iam's kitten food.  So we picked some up for her and she still hardly
touches the stuff.  At least now she is drinking more, but I am still
worried about her not eating.  If I give her a few raisins, she will gobble
them down but I can't get her to eat her food.
Does anybody have any ideas of what I could try feeding her?  Has anyone
else had a similar problem to this?  Is she just a picky eater and I haven't
been able to find the food that she is used too?  I really would like to
fatten this little girl up a bit.
Thanks for any advice that you can give me.
Shane & Monica,
Dritz, Zoe & Sprite.
Shane Alfreds
Audio Software Engineer
Electronic Arts Canada Inc.
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[Posted in FML issue 1681]