A friend of mine at work told me she had a ferret about 12 years ago that
got spinal meningitis and had to be put down.  The vet told her if it didn't
get outside then she (or a family member) probably walked through some
racoon or other feces that was contaminated with it and that the ferret
couldn't pass it on to them so they shouldn't worry about getting it.  I
would like a vets opinion on this.  Is this something else I am going to
have to worry about my ferrets getting?  I've been getting the FML now for
more than a year and I've never heard this mentioned before, could that vet
maybe not have been a ferret knowledgable vet?  They noticed that Frankie
(their ferret) was having problems moving her back legs and when they took
her in that's what they were told, like I said tho' this was about 12 years
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[Posted in FML issue 1703]