For what it costs around here, I have never been able to afford to use
Ferretone according to the directions. Katie gets a "dime-size-spot" in her
treat bowl at bedtime every night. I have never noticed any difference in
her activity level whether she gets it every night or when she doesn't (If
I'm out of it for a few days).  Would the amount of Vit A in this much
Ferretone be detrimental to her health?  I just might try the olive oil
To the person who said that TF wouldn't send them a sample, PLEASE call them
again. They very graciously sent me a sample (pretty good sized too) and all
their info on TF, and even a tail measurer with "Rainbow Bridge" on the
back! Maybe you just talked to the wrong person........? Or they
misunderstood your request? ( I had sent them my request by snail-mail by
the way, you may try that approach.)
Re: Ferrets liking to be scratched in weird ways.  Katie will butt her head
into the palm of my hand, and arch her back real high for me to scratch her
right on the shoulder blades. I have to scratch REAL hard, and she keeps her
head against the heel of my hand the whole time! She also likes to scratch
the top of her head on the wires of her cage over her bed. She stretches her
neck up and rocks back and forth with her head pressed against the wire.(
But, she hates for ME to try to scratch her head)
My heart goes out to all of you with ill fuzzies, and I hope they are better
Amy & Katie ( scratch me RIGHT THERE Mom!)
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit!"
[Posted in FML issue 1703]