Some time ago, I tried mixing Ferretone with olive oil and Max just turned
his nose up at it (and he *loves* Ferretone).  On the other hand, when I
mixed it with canola oil, he went straight for it.  If anyone else has a
fuzzbean who doesn't like olive oil, give the canola oil a try.
Speaking of Ferretone, I always say "Vitamins!" when it's time to give it to
him, and he comes a-runnin'.  Funny part is, he gets so excited that his
tail starts resembling the south end of a rattlesnake.  It's a hoot!
To the Anonymous Poster who wants to try Totally Ferret: If you're having
trouble getting a sample from Performance Foods, send me an e-mail.  I'll
send you a sample of mine.
Dayna, you're right on about folks who are owned by ferrets.  We're a bunch
of fanatics, but *good* fanatics, to be sure!  :)
Dooks to all and special best wishes for the sick fuzzies.  Here's wishing
each of you a speedy recovery!
C.B. and Maximilian
[Posted in FML issue 1703]