>From:    Rebecca Coleman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Vet Horror story - Jitterbug update
>walked out of the room, came back 1 minute later and told me he thought
>would be best if I took my ferret somewhere else since I obviously didn't
>trust him.
I wouldn't trust anyone that cares more about his own ego than the welfare
of the patient.  Don't you just wish you could smack someone like that?  I
know I do.  Glad to hear that Jitterbug is feeling better.
>From:    Melissa Litwicki <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Cute!
>... but if she's comfortable and dozy, her tongue's usually sticking out
>of her mouth. :)  eee, when i see this, i could explode from the sheer
>cute factor of it all.
Melissa, you need to watch this space for an announcement about the web page
I'm putting up for the South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue.  There's a
picture on one of the pages of Sammy, a 6 pound albino (he looks like a
teddy bear), looking at the camera with his tongue sticking out.  It has got
to be the cutest ferret photo I have ever seen!  I laugh every time I look
at it and I've seen it dozens and dozens of times.
The page is ready right now... I'm just waiting for final approval from the
board of directors and will make an announcement soon I hope.
  Mike Janke
[Posted in FML issue 1703]