Hi Rebecca,
I am so sorry to hear about Jitterbug, and hope her recovery is complete and
AS FOR YOUR VET. He is unprofessional and an embarassment to vets
everywhere! Please, fire him - anyone in the medical profession who is not
willing to listen to ALL of the evidence before jumping to a diagnosis
doesn't deserve to practice the medical arts. If he were my vet, I would
file a complaint with the state liscencing agency - what he did was simply
abusive. Even in the human medical profession, only tremendously foolish
doctors don't listen when nurses and other experienced folks make
observations that could help the patient - especially when the doctor has
already messed up on the diagnosis!
If you have a contact at the local ferret shelter, please inform them about
this creep.  I have a policy of walking out of doctors (both vets and human
doctors) who display the kind of wanton disregard for their patients and
their patient's friends that this jerk did.  I also write letters explaining
in excrutiating detail WHY I have fired the doctor (and remember, you are a
client - and can fire them any time you wish!).  Don't take his
recommendations for other vets, either - it is a powertrip for the doctor.
I'm not saying you were wrong to leave your fuzzhead in his care - since by
the time he did this she clearly shouldn't have been moved.  Please, remove
her from this environment at the first possible chance - anyone who would
treat a client in this way probably shouldn't be entrusted with the lives of
little precious furballs - and certainly doesn't deserve any more of your
Good luck!
Gwen M. Daley
[log in to unmask]
Department of Geological Sciences
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0420
[Posted in FML issue 1703]