Hi all!  Sorry I have not posted recently, but it seems my mailbox was a
little more mangled than they had first thought.  They had to delete my
account and re-do it from scratch, and it took my ISP about four days or so
to accomplish it and a while longer to make sure it was working correctly.
The ferrets are back at my place now because the safe spot couldn't keep
them anymore, and the coast SEEMS clear.  Still no official last word, but I
hope to have that by this friday.
I built a warren for my ferts on Sunday, and BOY do they love it!  I got to
thinking why a ferret likes to dig..  is it because they are merely enamored
with the idea of digging on something, or are they actually trying to tunnel
around?  Well, I decided to experiment on my fuzzies by building them a
tunnel system in their room.  I bought 20 feet of PVC pipe (they ATE the
dryer hose..  twice!), two 90 degree elbows, and two T connectors (4" PVC
pipe to make sure they didn't get stuck) and connected it all together.  The
T connectors I had facing upwards so they can peek out of it and see what is
going on around in the room.
So far, the fuzzies have STOPPED all digging activity outside of the PVC
pipes.  They seem to dig around a little on the inside in an attempt to make
a new path, but aside from that..  the carpet has been all but forgotten
about.  I am wondering if the digDigDIG!  instinct is nothing more than a
leftover desire to get out of the way of predators, and the Ferrets adapted
to that by becoming burrowers.  Of course, I still qualify as a predator...
at least as far as the fuzzies are concerned when I reach for them to put
them back in the cage!
Now that my account seems to be back in order, I will try to keep in better
contact.  Take care all!
  Hugs, Dooks, Raisins and Ferretone to all!
    (can you tell I'm feeling better? 8=]  )
    Bryan Hall
   Canonical List of Famous Last Words
   (Roleplaying : Fantasy and SF)
Hundreds of brave characters lost their lives during thousands of
roleplaying sessions leaving us their last words.  We'll never forget them.
Rest In Peace.
084-"No, I'm sure there's some stipulation that says a disintegrate spell
     won't work if the spellcaster casts it on himself.  Here, I'll prove
[Posted in FML issue 1701]