Shari -
When Gizzie had his problems they started with "dribbling".  The "dribbling"
was caused by the prostate swelling which in turn was because of the
diseased adrenal.  Petey smelled muskier than normal and both Petey and
Clyde 2 dribbled.  All had one infected adrenal.  Best we can figure is that
when the estrogen is released by the diseased adrenal it causes the prostate
to swell which clamps down on the uretha causing a partial and in some cases
when not treated, a total blockage.  The clamping causes more urine to sit
in the bladder allowing prime conditions for bacteria to grow which causes
UTI and in two of our boys they had crystals or stones.  This can be life
threatening if not treated.
That could possibly be the problem.  The TN Adrenal Panel can verify if it
is adrenal but takes several weeks for results and if he is "dribbling" now,
time may be short.
Hugs.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1701]