I picked up some new litter for my cat and I wanted to know if it is safe to
use for my fuzzies.  I threw away the bag already, but I think it is called
Pine Fresh and I bought it at PetSmart.  It comes in pellets but breaks down
when wet.  It has really been great at controlling odor in the cat box but I
know that there are certain types of litter that should definitely not be
used with ferrets.  Any and all replies would be greatly appreciated.
Also, ferret math has struck again.  We have added a really special cinnamon
boy to our gang.  Since he belongs to my husband, a real big John Wayne fan,
he has decided to name him Duke.
BIG, Moxley is a super macho ferret and he takes it as a question to his
manhood when you spell his name Molly.
Duke  (the terrible trio)
& Jackson (why can t we just get another dog)
[Moderator's note: Apologies to Mr. Macho Moxle.  Your all fixed now.  Oh,
I mean your name.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1699]