Has anyone else experienced this?  Perdida, our ferret of course, absolutely
does not bite or even nip.  Well, okay, occassionally a freshly-showered
ankle or two.  But, whenever my fiance or I lay on our backs, she'll make
every effort to bite the skin by our eyes!  Not hard enough to draw blood,
but definitely not a nip.
Our other ferret, Gypsy, only bites our wrists ("really officer, those
aren't needle marks, just ferret teethmarks").
I just read a post from someone whose ferret bites the crook of the arm and
the back of the knee.  Do our little fuzz-butts have a taste for thin,
sensitive skin?  Certainly these areas are more fleshy, and easier to sink
their teeth into.  Any thoughts?
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[Posted in FML issue 1699]