A while back a number of people (incuding myself) were looking for
soap/shampoo to try and clear up tail hair loss (hopefull due only to
blackheads).  Good News!  First I tried Hibatane with no sucess.  I then
tried the dandruff shampoo, Selsun Blue (it's antifungal and antibacterial).
I wash Mighty Mouse's tail once a day, getting up a good lather and rinse
thoroughly.  Do NOT scrub with a scrub brush as this will only aggrevate the
Well, it's only been one week and I already see many hairs growing where
there was complete baldness.
I hope others out there have as much success and don't face the dreaded
Adrenal Disease.
                                      Dooks forever
                        Michaela Maurice & her bundles of Joy
ps. I was told by a DVM that if using Hibatane, one needs to wash 2-3x per
    day.  Considering how most ferrets don't like to bath, never mind sit
    still for long, seslun blue once a day, is preferrable on this account
[Posted in FML issue 1697]