Many people on the FML have commented that they would like to see posts
normally done in private in response to postings back on the FML.  Normally
I would have only responded to the person in question, but in this case I
will respond "in public".
Mr. Killian, I do not know what you have heard about MF, I have stated what
I have learned or researched, so I can not say whether or not the things you
have heard about MF are "junk".  It does disturb me, however, that a lot of
people are willing to support a company that they disagree with in
principle.  I will not, in any way, support a company that I do not believe
in or agree with.  That is why I will not purchase anything from MF, or
Ferret Outfitters.  I believe that the only way to convince MF to change is
to not continue to financially support their organization.
Point 1 - Dr. Bell - I have never personally heard or said anything negative
about Dr. Bell.
Point 2 - Genetic diversity - MF sold an estimated 82,000 ferrets last year
(this figure is also from the USDA).  With the length of time they have been
in business and the fact that color variations will occur, it is entirely
possible that mutations will appear.  Five years ago, most ferrets on the
market were either sable, cinnamon or albino.  If you breed colors to
colors, you will get variations.  I lived on a farm for most of my
childhood, and was very successful in maintaining the Palomino coloration in
either stud or dam line, regardless of the other sexes' color, just by
controlling which stallion or mare to be bred.  If you have a specific color
in mind, it is just a matter of time to breed the closest males/females
until you are successful.  It does not mean that new blood was introduced to
the line, only that for coloration purposes, the breeding was controlled.
In our case with the Palominos, we discovered many negative traits and
characteristics often surfaced (like nasty temperaments or in a particular
case, intestinal problems).  We decided that the "copper penny" look prized
by the American Palomino Association was not as important as a stable,
healthy animal, and our colts and fillies were bred for the best
Point 3 - The inbreeding issue.  I'm not sure why you do not think it is a
problem, the last five vets that I spoke to about this issue pointed the
finger directly at inbreeding as to the cause of the longevity of ferrets
dropping and the increase in cases of adrenals & insulinomas.  They also
specifically mentioned MF as being a contributing factor to the problem.
Point 4 - The dog world has "puppy mills" - where thousands of bitches are
bred continuously in 1' x 1' cages and producing the most popular breeds of
dogs.  Many affiliated dog breed factions have condemned the puppy mills for
the disintegration of many breeds of dogs and the congenital problems that
they have caused by inbreeding, soley for the sake of the almighty dollar -
ferrets can't be that much different.
Point 5 - Ok.  you were at a ferret show this weekend and saw more ferrets
in a day than I see in a year - but aren't you missing the big picture here?
The ferrets that you saw were the "cream of the crop", the best from each
household or breeder - in the absolute peak of health - and young.  The ones
that I see are from 6 wks to 8 YEARS old and in whatever shape they are in,
so your statement can be misleading.
Last Point - I do not apologize to anyone for my views about MF - I have
gathered information about them for the past 8 years.  I will continue to
gather information about all abuses to my beloved companions.  I do not make
promises lightly, nor have I ever been accused of keeping silent, so if you
know of breeders that are not above board, I welcome the chance to tell them
how I feel.  In my area, I have not had the slightest problem with reporting
abuses of animals to the proper authorities.  I can speak, the animals
can't.  I do not hold anything against MF ferrets - they are the innocent
BTW, BIG, I second the hurrahs to you.  I could never do the work that you
do, as well as you do.
[Posted in FML issue 1696]