Alright, does anyone know when the LAFF show is?  That is... Loudon Area
Ferret Fanciers.... in NO VA???  I'm being forced to unsubscribe myself from
the list, despite how much I enjoy reading it, because I spend more time
reading my e-mail than my AP US History assignments... so, I must bid
everyone a teary adieu.  If anyone knows when and where LAFF will be held or
who I could contact to find out.... or maybe any other ferret shows/events
in the Northern Virginia area, I'd be overjoyed if you'd send me an e-mail.
=) I'm still [log in to unmask] and I'll be here, though indirectly.
So, My Most Sincere ALoha to you all
becca, sequin, and chopstick
[Posted in FML issue 1696]