I had to add my two cents about what names mean.  My initials are ALB so
what does it mean when spelled backwards it's "BLA".  It's not fair.
Well, hearing about all of these horrible diseases that ferrets get is
really bugging me.  I got Casey a few months ago and as I've mentioned
before, she is my first ferret and first pet.  I hope she stays healthy for
a long, long time.  I love her companionship but I just don't like getting
so close to an animal that will definitely not outlive me.
It just seems like there are several ways they die early - like
lymphosarcoma was mentioned recently - Poor little ones...
Has anyone had any experience with the following?  See, Casey goes in spurts
with using her litterbox.  She will be perfect for like two weeks and then
all of a sudden she starts using random places and she also goes right NEXT
to her box.  I don't get it.  I've tried re-training her by giving her
treats after I put her in the box and I hope it will work, but I wish I
could understand why she does this.  I try keeping the boxes as clean as
possible for her so that she won't avoid them when they're dirty (she's
picky that way).
Thanks for all your wisdom.
- Adrienne
[Posted in FML issue 1696]