>local animal hospital.  Her temperature was very high - 102.5, and her
>spleen felt enlarged, although they didn't detect any abnormalities in the
102 is a normal temp for a ferret.  My Skittles had a temp *over* 110 (the
vet's digital thermometer just shut off after 110) and while she did get
some brain damage survived with treatment (she'd had the flu and since I was
a new owner, I was clueless until she was *really* sick).
I'm sorry to hear about losing Poof (and others) ... it's hard enough losing
an older ferret, but to lose a young one seems particularly tough.
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Barbara Carlson                   Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
[log in to unmask]                                      (412) 481-5927
 http://www.gsia.cmu.edu/andrew/bcarlson/home.html (under construction)
Thought for the day:
    If "boring women have immaculate homes," I must be very interesting!
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[Posted in FML issue 1696]