Whew, that's such a tough decision to make in the throes of such emotional
turmoil.  All I can do is share my thoughts and experiences.
Exactly a month ago, (as some of you may remember) I had to put my *beloved*
Fender to sleep.  I was so, *so* upset.  And I felt SOOOO guilty--not right
away, but a couple of days later.  Guilty that I just *couldn't* be there,
guilty that I didn't dispose of the remains myself (I live in a large
metropolis with a definite lack of suitable burial grounds) and a few days
after that, I wished that maybe I *had* suggested they do an autopsy.  It
was something I had thought of and sort of even planned on even before
Fender even got sick, but I couldn't deal with it when the time came.  You
see, once I had made the decision to put him to sleep, that was all I could
focus on--getting through that, and even though I knew the other things I
should have been thinking about, it was all I could do to get through that
last visit with him, and get out of the hospital without him.
Anyway, my point is, that I don't think anyone deserves a flame for deciding
to have or *not* to have an autopsy.  Yes, now I think I wish that I had had
it done, but at the time, I couldn't think about it.  It was all too painful
already.  Will I have one done the next time?  I hope so.  More than
anything I'd like to help cure these little guys of these insipid diseases
that afflict them.  But please, let's no one make an already horrible
experience worse by adding to the guilt owners probably already feel about
some part of it.
Now on to happier things.  I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce:
Drumroll, please.....Regan!  (pronounced REE-gan) She's a little probably 5
week old Sable and just so adorable.  She's such a good girl, too.  She uses
her special triangular shaped littler box, eats her Iams Kitten food all up,
and she had her first raisin today...a real treat.  FYI, she is *NOT* named
after the former president, or his secretary of whatever.  She is named
after King Lear's daughter, Regan, because we went to see King Lear
performed outside in a park the night I brought her home and Lear's other
daughters are named Cordelia and Goneril which I didn't think made very good
ferret names.  However, I hope that you can all appreciate the irony of two
liberal actresses sharing an apartment with a fert named Regan and a cat
name Knute (my roommate's--named after the girl in Aliens, *not* the
Oh, how I do go on.  In short, it has been *six* years since I've had a baby
fuzzie around and anyone with any brush-up info would be greatly
appreciated.  E.G., how many raisins a day?  Or is it week?  She had a taste
of yogurt today and *loved* it.  What does yeast do to baby ferret
intestines?  When can I stop soaking her food?  I'll check the FAQ again,
but you get my drift.
Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble.
In memory of Fender and Steinway
[Posted in FML issue 1695]