In yesterday's FML, Paw Paw posted a note which included, in part, an
opinion about the use of animals for research.  His opinion proved to be
rather unpopular with many FMLers.
Several people posted responses.  One person pretty much demanded I give
equal time to the pro-animal rights people and volunteered to post a
rebuttal - I said I may allow it.  But when I received her rebuttal post it
was simply too much of a flame for me to allow it on the FML.  In fact, I'd
say it was downright hostile.
My original decision to go ahead with Paw Paw's post may not have been
correct, but it was a judgement call that was mine to make and I made it.
But I simply can't allow all these generic animal rights posts on the FML -
they are off-topic and people's strong opinions on the issue inevitably
result in colossal, nasty disagreements.  (The Marshall Farms debate is
already headed that way and that one *is* on topic - though may have to
call an end to that one too, soon.)
Sorry folks - further discussions on the topic will not be allowed.  Not
from Paw Paw and not from the whole bunch of other FMLers who disagreed with
him.  His follow-up post and several other posts have been removed from
today's issue.  I was going to invite people to submit a 300 word rebuttal
and I'd post the one I thought was best written, but, no, the damage has
already been done and I'm not going to rub salt into the wound.
P.S.  No time tonight to sort the posts much in this issue.  I hope to have
the process automated a bit more soon and sort them on a more regular basis
since several people have mentioned it is helpful.  BIG
[Posted in FML issue 1695]