This is the report on the two recent surgical cases on two residents of the
ongoing care unit.  The chronic and incurable nature of their conditions
prevented them from being candidates for adoption.  [The severe ulceration
of the bowel of one and the stomic ulcers of the other had been only
temporarily responsive to the treatment regimens applied to date.  Both were
deteriorating with only brief arresting of their conditions at any time.
Their wt.  loss, reoccurrant vomiting and diahrea, constant pain and
worsening weakness with no expectation of reversal were the factors that
determined the decision for surgical intervention.  accepting the
substantial risk incurred with patients that are weak and barely responsive.]
... the two ongoing care kids, that have been on the special foods after the
corrective work, are going home tomorrow with their new human companions..
the bowel resection is at full wt. and graduating onto reg. foods at last!!
and the one we removed about 1/3 of the stomic has nearly reached full wt.
and is dooking and pain free for the first time since arrival.  the
ulcerated bowel and the chronic stomic ulcers had both down to skin and
bones and a lot of pain all the time..  both are so 'normal' now its super
to watch them catching up on mischief and all the treats they can eat!  Oh,
and all those tummy rubs that once hurt are now demanded with great relish.
There are days when this crazy existence is pure pleasure!!
Pat a Fur Brat... and watch your day improve immensely!.
dayna   and the Monsters with the Munchies!!!  :]
Our Profound Thanks to the FML subscribers who became interested in these
'dead end' kids and have sponsored several so their surgeries could be
attempted while there was still time!!!  You are VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE and
much loved by some very happy healthy little fur children!!!
 "Resident of... Marvelous Menagerie Of Mirthful Mayhem"
 dayna frazier  102046,3162  16-Sep-1996  17:53:53 PST
[Posted in FML issue 1694]